Volunteers and interns are Invited for Global abroad or virtual placement at IVA. Travel, Study and Experience the World: Bangladesh, Costa Rica, India, Russia, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Cameroon by International Volunteer Academy (IVA) www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com - dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, investment, charity and development programs. Currently we are looking for youth and partners worldwide.Volunteer Academy relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 14 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simply with an interest to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcome. Interning or volunteering is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. Volunteer Academy is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, school exchange, medical, religious, visiting holy places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural, ecologic etc. programs and tours. Prominent applicants could apply for virtual placements, by CV competition. We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 40 US $ (additional to local fees) to cover the administration costs (local fees differ from country to country and program to program but are the cheapest in the world also some countries are hosting volunteers for free and some of them even provide sponsorships to volunteers, see below detailed info about). IVA COUNTRIES AND PLACEMENTS: 1. Russia. Internships and volunteer positions for high moral standard youth, based on CV competition are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Russia, study Russian language while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a English language school, teach English and experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Russia or in neighboring countries in few hours to Moscow, EU big cities, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Crimea etc. 2. V. Volunteer or Internship Virtually. (For students and youth who need to intern or volunteer for their studies, make researches etc.) All our placements for internships and volunteer virtual opportunities:-Media, social media, video and photo reporting , filmmaking, writing articles etc. media work;- Fundraising- Project research and creation - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors,- researching grant opportunities;- NGOs;- Public Relations, PR, Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials;-Social enterprise, Business development;-International relationships and communication -researching and contacting potential International partners, international or local research or studies:- Web development, IT etc about it.;- And more, just contact us! Virtual placements have the same privileges as field positions. 3. Volunteer in Moldova, All inclusive. Are you looking for a worthwhile project? Do you want to help disadvantaged children? You can volunteer in an orphanage in the capital city Chisinau, providing children with love, attention and the knowledge that someone cares about them. The project runs all year round but volunteers are particularly in need from Autumn- Spring. 2 meals a day and accommodation is provided and the participation fee is:-2 weeks = 500 EUR, 1 month = 950 EUR. 4. Volunteer in Israel, All inclusive. Organization Experienced in hosting volunteers for 3 years. Fees: $ 60 /day, $ 420/week, $ 1500 /month, $ 15,000/year. Additionally we have internships in aspects of education, youth at risk, environment and so on. There are a guide who will lead the volunteers, make trips for the volunteers around Israel, visits and sport activities. 5. Volunteer in Morocco, All inclusive. 5 years experience in hosting volunteers. Fees: /day15EURO,/week80EURO,/month 230euro,/year2860 EURO. Volunteer opportunities and jobs Child Care & Nursery School Program in Marrakech city. 6. Volunteer in Pakistan. No Local fees. Hosting international volunteers since last four years and serve them in youth led activities and in association with national volunteers. Our organization does not charge any participation fee from volunteers. There are field visits for community development projects, engaging volunteers in social action projects and meetings with community, youth groups, orientations, participation in volunteer training and workshop, engagements in humanitarian assessments and participatory rural appraisals. Internships are also available. 7. Volunteer in Uganda, All inclusive .Volunteer work include: Teach English, Mats, plant trees, coffee farms, building classrooms, paint walls, make school furniture, work in community health center etc. 14 years experienced organization. Fees: 10$/day, 50$/week, 240$/month, 1800$/year. 8. Volunteer in Indonesia, All inclusive. Volunteer work Education, Eco-Environmental work . Internships positions: Business field : Accounting, IT, Nurse, Doctor, TV/Radio Presenter, Education field : Teaching medical /math/biology/ teach English/ exact Science in local school/ local college. Participation fee cover : Official invitation, air port pick up and transfer, Accommodations, Local transportation, Placement arrangements, laundry, Indonesian language and cultural orientation, 1.000 US $ /month, local excursion during their day off ( 4 different tourism objects/month).9. Volunteer in Cameroon No Fees .10Years experience in hosting volunteers. We offer administrative support to all our volunteers and accommodation in terms of scholarship. Our Volunteer and Internships positions are Health services and Educational services. Volunteers are performing diversified community services 7 hours daily from Monday to Friday. Volunteers will be accommodated during their stay and their safety remains our priority also. In weekends we offer Tours for our guests. 10. NIGERIA 2. Full support for volunteers’ placement. Hosting international volunteers for 5 years, our visitors have enjoyed staying with us in volunteer lodge at the first floor of our building. No fee for volunteers. We offer transportation, accommodation, health care and feeding. Volunteer opportunities, acquire more skills and networking. Internships positions: Clerical agents, Health delivery, Field work, Camp visitation, Educational services. Working from Monday to Friday, six hours daily. We stay in permanent contact with our volunteers and we support them with health insurance, provide daily allowance. We offer site seeing for volunteers 11. GHANA Full support for volunteers. Five year experienced organization. Participation fee for 1 volunteer to host is 934Euro/month. Volunteers will work with community development projects, working with children and youth, sports, etc. Internships are also available. 12. Nepal Full support for volunteers. Ten years experienced volunteer hosting organization invite you to experience this country with and fee for a week 200 Dollars or/month 400 Dollars to teach health issues and orphanage. Also available internships in medical and health area. 13. Ghana 2, Full support for volunteers. 7 years experiences working as a volunteer coordinator in the one Region of Ghana, our team have been trained to provide a warm, safe, and clean environment for volunteers and they all has a lot of experience working with volunteers. For one month the fee is $1159- cover: Official invitation , Accommodation is with a host family, Includes Airport Pick up and transportation to the project site, Meals , 24/ 7 in-country support. Program Options include, Civil Society Volunteer Program, Teaching in local schools, Computer training, Orphan Care, Farming Advisor Program, Sports coaching, Health education (HIV/AIDS), Volunteers may also come up with their own personalized project. Volunteers work general work a Monday to Friday week, although days may vary depending on the program selected. All volunteers get a minimum of two days off to use how they wish, whether it be for travel, participating in community events, time to themselves, etc. 14. Sri Lanka, Full support for volunteers. Specialist in Income generating activities, Fundraisers, Management Advisors, English Language Teachers for Kids and Youths, Working with disabled persons organizations, Work with youths. For internship, available opportunities are teaching English for youths. After arrival in Sri Lanka, one of our staff members will pick them at the airport. Two days stay at Colombo ( for one week volunteers this will be an half a day program) and have an orientation about country, nature of the work, nature of the organization, program for the period of staying in Sri Lanka, food and drinks, own safety, do’s and don’t do’s, reporting necessities, Prevention and cure from troubles etc. Every volunteer can contact chief Executive Officer 24 hours of the day. Trips: - If volunteer going to stay more than 3 months, arrange 3 days 2 nights exposed trip, selected by the volunteer or the group. One week – 443US$, One month - (without trip) 665US$ , One month – (with trip) 1065.50US$ , Three months - (without trip) 1327.50US$ , Six months – (with trip) 2,455 US$ 15. Volunteer in Bangladesh, Full support for volunteers. Organization experience in hosting volunteers 42 years. Total fee for one month volunteering is 1500$. Volunteer work and internship placements are available in the following areas: youth social work, health clinics, family planning, business development, IT, media. 16. Volunteer in Somaliland. Five years experienced organization in hosting volunteers. Participation fee for 1 volunteer to host is $4750/ 3 month (Food ( 3 months), Accommodation (3 months)). Hosting organization is responsible for: Invitation letter, Visa issuance, local transportation from residence to the office and field works, Arrange placement into a program, Office space to work. 17. INDIA, Full support for volunteers. Organization experience in hosting volunteers is 5 Years. Total fees/ month are USD 2000. Honoree of USD 1000 Per Month to the successful participants for continuously three terms. Volunteer opportunities/jobs: Language and Information Technology Training, Livelihood Research and training to the poor rural Indian People. Internships positions Train the Trainers / Rural Youth Training /Livelihood Training. Except accommodation and Living an Honoree of USD 150 is paid to the interns in monthly basis. Volunteer week: three days theoretical class room training, two days participation in field work and two holidays. 18. Costa Rica. All inclusive. Latin American Program. Organization experience in hosting volunteers 15 yrs. Participation fees: $305/week, US$1350/month (fees cover: Accommodations, Placement arrangements, Administrative fee, Living, Food). Volunteer opportunities/jobs are two kinds: sea turtle conservation projects: 1.In-water studies volunteers in this project support our scientists in collecting data about local sea turtle population. 2. Beach projects: In our beach projects on the Caribbean coastline volunteers work to help with the night patrols, hatchery shifts and beach clean-ups. We have internships positions as Research Assistants. Volunteer week: At all the projects, there is a fix time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The workload of a volunteer is about 30 hours per week. Additional to program services for volunteers, common free time activities are swimming depending on the conditions of the sea, relaxing in the hammock, trips into the forest, mangrove (kayak), playing soccer or beach volleyball. Costar Rica is a developing country and projects locations are places with basic conditions. Living in a tropical paradise, with forever green forest and clean blue ocean water volunteers will have a great experience. Not only improving their knowledge also their education and respect for the nature. In order to apply, send your telephone number, resume, country and position request to ivolunteeracademy@gmail.com and irff@pisem.net -Travel, study and experience the World in the most fanny way by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy, IVA www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world). -Begun in 1998 the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! -You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea! -And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/ivolunteeracademy Twitter: https://twitter.com/ivolunteera -Business portal: http://gppdnet.blogspot.com | Les bénévoles et les stagiaires sont invités pour le placement global à l'étranger ou virtuel à IVA. Voyage, étude et l'expérience du monde: le Bangladesh, le Costa Rica, l'Inde, la Russie, la Moldavie, le Maroc, l'Ouganda, le Ghana, le Nigeria, l'Indonésie, le Pakistan, Israël, Sri Lanka, au Népal et au Cameroun par l'Académie Internationale des Volontaires (IVA) www.volunteeracademy. blogspot.com - dédiée à améliorer la vie des gens (des gens heureux-heureux du monde) par la mise en œuvre des programmes éducatifs, l'investissement, de charité et de développement. Actuellement, nous sommes à la recherche pour les jeunes et les partenaires à travers le monde. Bénévoles Académie repose sur les efforts des stagiaires et des bénévoles pour rendre ses programmes travailler pour le bien et nous sommes donc très flexible et facile à travailler. Ayant 14 ans d'expérience + nous recherchons des personnes ayant de solides compétences en communication écrite et verbale ayant un intérêt dans les relations internationales, le développement des entreprises sociales, construction de la paix, de collecte de fonds, les ONG ou tout simplement avec un intérêt d'avoir du plaisir et de voyage. Groupes de toutes tailles sont également les bienvenus. Les stages ou du bénévolat est un travail non rémunéré, mais vous gagnerez beaucoup de connaissances et une expérience précieuses pour votre vie. Bénévoles Académie est en mesure d'organiser de facilités de logement et de vous fournir diverses excursions culturelles et les expériences. Aussi à la demande nous pouvons organiser d'affaires, étude, scientifique, recherche, échange d'étudiants, échanges de jeunes, échanges scolaires, médicaux, religieux, la visite des lieux saints, l'histoire, le vin, la nourriture, des fruits et légumes naturels, ruraux, etc écologiques programmes et des visites . Candidats de premier plan pourraient s'appliquer pour les stages virtuels, par la concurrence CV. Nous avons cependant, demander un don d'un temps de 40 dollars américains (en plus de taxes locales) pour couvrir les frais d'administration (frais locaux diffèrent d'un pays à pays et un programme à l', mais sont les moins chers dans le monde aussi certains pays sont d'hébergement bénévoles pour libre et certains d'entre eux offrent même des commandites à des bénévoles, voir ci-dessous les informations détaillées au sujet). PAYS ET PLACEMENTS IVA: 1. Russie. Stages et postes de bénévoles pour les jeunes de haut standard moral, fondé sur la concurrence CV sont de merveilleuses occasions de voyager et d'explorer la Russie, apprendre la langue russe tout en acquérant des connaissances pratiques dans un environnement de travail. Vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur la logistique d'une école de langue anglaise, enseigner l'anglais et l'expérience de vie dans un pays en développement rapide ancienne URSS, et même faire des excursions de week-end en Russie ou dans les pays voisins en quelques heures à Moscou, l'UE les grandes villes, Kiev , Bucarest, Odessa, la Crimée, etc 2. Bénévoles V. ou de stages Pratiquement. (Pour les étudiants et les jeunes qui ont besoin de faire un stage ou un bénévole pour leurs études, faire des recherches, etc) Tous nos stages pour des stages et des possibilités de bénévolat virtuels:-Media, les médias sociaux, la vidéo et reportage photo, le cinéma, écrivant des articles, etc Le travail des médias; - Collecte de fonds-projet de recherche et de création - Rédaction et la preuve sponsors de lecture des propositions de subvention, la recherche et de contact, - des recherches sur les possibilités de subventions, - les ONG, - relations publiques, relations publiques, Image Maker - Confection de brochures, la création de spots vidéo, la création de photos thématiques, la création publicitaire matériaux;-Développement social dans les entreprises commerciales,; relations internationales et de la communication--recherches et contacter des partenaires potentiels internationaux, la recherche internationale ou locale, ou des études: -. de développement Web, informatique, etc à ce sujet; - Et plus, contactez-nous! Stages virtuels ont les mêmes privilèges que les postes sur le terrain. 3. Bénévole en Moldavie, tout compris. Vous recherchez un projet intéressant? Voulez-vous aider les enfants défavorisés? Vous pouvez faire du bénévolat dans un orphelinat dans la capitale, Chisinau, ville, offrant aux enfants l'amour, l'attention et la connaissance que quelqu'un se soucie d'eux. Le projet fonctionne toute l'année, mais les bénévoles sont particulièrement dans le besoin à partir de l'automne-printemps. 2 repas par jour et d'hébergement est fourni et les frais de participation: -2 semaines = 500 euros, 1 mois = 950 euros. 4. Bénévoles en Israël, Tout compris. Organisation expérimentée dans l'accueil de volontaires pour 3 ans. Frais: 60 $ / jour, 420/week $, 1500 $ / mois, $ 15,000 / an. En outre, nous avons des stages dans des aspects de l'éducation, les jeunes à risque, l'environnement et ainsi de suite. Il ya un guide qui mènera les bénévoles, faire des voyages pour les volontaires autour d'Israël, des visites et des activités sportives. 5. Bénévole au Maroc, Tout compris. 5 ans d'expérience dans l'accueil des bénévoles. Honoraires: / day15EURO, / week80EURO, / € 230 par mois, / year2860 EURO. Les occasions de bénévolat et les soins des enfants et des emplois du programme Jardin d'enfants dans la ville de Marrakech. 6. Bénévole au Pakistan. Pas de frais locaux. Accueil de volontaires internationaux depuis les quatre dernières années et les servir dans des activités de jeunesse menées et en association avec des volontaires nationaux. Notre organisation ne perçoit pas de frais de participation de bénévoles. Il ya des visites de terrain pour des projets de développement communautaire, l'engagement des bénévoles dans des projets d'action sociale et des réunions avec la communauté, des groupes de jeunes, les orientations, la participation à la formation des bénévoles et de l'atelier, les engagements dans les évaluations humanitaires et des évaluations rurales participatives. Les stages sont également disponibles. 7. . Des bénévoles en Ouganda, All inclusive Bénévolat comprennent: Apprenez l'anglais, Mats, planter des arbres, les plantations de café, la construction des salles de classe, les murs de peinture, fabrication de meubles scolaires, le travail en centre de santé communautaire, etc 14 ans d'organisation expérimentée. Frais: 10 $ / jour, 50 $ / semaine, 240 $ / mois, 1800 $ / an. 8. Bénévole en Indonésie, All inclusive. Bénévole éducation travail, Eco-environnement de travail. Positions Stages: Secteur d'activité: Comptabilité, IT, infirmière, médecin, TV / Radio Presenter, domaine de l'éducation: l'enseignement médical / math / biologie / enseigner l'anglais / science exacte à l'école locale / collège local. Couverture des frais de participation: invitation officielle, l'air du port ramassage et de transfert, logement, transport local, les arrangements de placement, la lessive, la langue indonésienne et d'orientation culturelle, 1,000 mois aux États-Unis / $, au cours de leur excursion locale journée de congé (4 objets différents du tourisme par mois) . 9. Bénévole au Cameroun Pas de frais de .10 ans d'expérience chez des volontaires d'hébergement. Nous offrons un soutien administratif à tous nos bénévoles et d'hébergement en termes de bourses d'études. Notre bénévole et les positions sont Stages services de santé et des services éducatifs. Les bénévoles sont l'exécution des services communautaires diversifiés 7 heures par jour du lundi au vendredi. Les volontaires seront logés pendant leur séjour et leur sécurité reste notre priorité aussi. En week-end nous vous proposons Tours pour nos clients. 10. NIGERIA 2. Prise en charge complète pour le placement des bénévoles. Accueil de volontaires internationaux pour 5 ans, nos visiteurs ont apprécié mon séjour avec nous dans la loge de bénévole au premier étage de notre bâtiment. Pas de frais pour les bénévoles. Nous offrons le transport, l'hébergement de soins de santé, et l'alimentation. Les occasions de bénévolat, d'acquérir plus de compétences et de réseautage. Stages positions: les agents de bureau, la livraison de la Santé, travail sur le terrain, les visites du camp, les services éducatifs. De travail du lundi au vendredi, six heures par jour. Nous restons en contact permanent avec nos bénévoles et nous les soutenons avec l'assurance maladie, de fournir une indemnité journalière. Nous vous proposons le site voir pour les bénévoles 11. GHANA Prise en charge complète pour les bénévoles. Cinq ans organisation expérimentée. Frais de participation pour 1 bénévole à l'hôte est 934Euro/month. Les volontaires travailleront avec les projets de développement communautaire, travail avec les enfants et les jeunes, les sports, etc Stages sont également disponibles. 12. Népal Prise en charge complète pour les bénévoles. Dix ans ont connu l'organisation bénévole d'hébergement vous invitons à découvrir ce pays avec et des frais pour une semaine 200 dollars ou / mois 400 dollars pour enseigner les questions de santé et un orphelinat. Même, les stages disponibles dans le domaine médical et de santé. 13. Ghana 2, Prise en charge complète pour les bénévoles. 7 ans éprouve à travailler comme coordonnateur des bénévoles dans la région de l'un des au Ghana, notre équipe ont été formés pour fournir un environnement chaleureux, sécuritaire et propre pour les bénévoles et ils a tous beaucoup d'expérience de travail avec des bénévoles. Pour un mois, la taxe est $ 1159 - couverture: Invitation officielle, L'hébergement est en famille d'accueil, Comprend Transfert de l'aéroport et le transport vers le site du projet, Repas, 24/7 appui dans le pays. Options du programme comprennent, Programme bénévole de la Société civile, de l'enseignement dans les écoles locales, la formation informatique, l'assistance aux orphelins, Conseiller de programme d'agriculture, coaching sportif, éducation à la santé (VIH / sida), Les bénévoles peuvent également venir avec leur propre projet personnalisé. Les bénévoles travaillent en général de travailler un lundi à la semaine vendredi, mais jour peut varier en fonction du programme sélectionné. Tous les bénévoles obtenir un minimum de deux jours de congé pour utiliser la manière dont ils le souhaitent, que ce soit pour les voyages, la participation à des événements communautaires, le temps de se, etc 14. Sri Lanka, le soutien complet pour les bénévoles. Spécialiste en activités génératrices de revenus, de collecte de fonds, les conseillers de gestion, des professeurs d'anglais pour enfants et des jeunes, travail avec les organisations de personnes handicapées, le travail avec les jeunes. Pour stage, les possibilités offertes sont d'enseigner l'anglais pour les jeunes. Après l'arrivée au Sri Lanka, l'un de nos membres du personnel seront les chercher à l'aéroport. Deux jours de séjour à Colombo (pour une semaine bénévoles ce sera un demi-programme de la journée) et ont une orientation sur le pays, la nature du travail, nature de l'organisation, le programme pour la période du séjour au Sri Lanka, de la nourriture et des boissons, propre sécurité, à faire et à ne pas faire, la déclaration des nécessités, la prévention et la guérison de troubles etc Chaque volontaire peut entrer en contact avec chief Executive Officer 24 heures de la journée. Voyages: - Si volontaire va rester plus de 3 mois, organiser 3 jours 2 nuits exposés voyage, choisi par le bénévolat ou le groupe. Une semaine - 443US $, un mois - (sans déclenchement) 665US $, un mois - (avec voyage) 1065.50US $, trois mois - (sans déclenchement) 1327.50US $, six mois - (avec voyage) 2455 dollars américains 15. Bénévole au Bangladesh, un soutien complet pour les bénévoles. Expérience des organisations dans l'accueil de volontaires de 42 ans. Total des frais pour un mois de bénévolat est de 1500 $. Le travail bénévole et des stages sont disponibles dans les domaines suivants: travail social pour les jeunes, les centres de santé, planification familiale, développement des affaires, informatique, médias. 16. Bénévole au Somaliland. Cinq ans ont connu l'organisation dans l'accueil des bénévoles. Frais de participation pour 1 bénévole à l'hôte est le mois $ 4750/3 (l'alimentation (3 mois), Hébergement (3 mois)). Hébergement organisation est responsable de: Lettre d'invitation, délivrance des visas, le transport local de la résidence aux travaux de bureau et sur le terrain, Organiser le placement dans un espace Bureau du programme, à travailler. 17. INDE, Prise en charge complète pour les bénévoles. Expérience dans l'hébergement Organisation des bénévoles est de 5 ans. Total des frais par mois sont de USD 2000. Honorée de 1000 USD par mois pour les participants qui réussissent en continu trois termes. Les occasions de bénévolat ou d'emplois: Formation de la technologie du langage et de l'information, de recherche des moyens de subsistance et de formation pour les ruraux pauvres Indiens. Stages positions Former les formateurs et de formation de la jeunesse rurale / des moyens de subsistance de formation. Sauf hébergement et Vivre une Honoree de 150 USD est versée aux stagiaires en base mensuelle. Bénévole semaine: trois jours de formation théorique salle de classe, deux jours à la participation travail sur le terrain et deux jours fériés. 18. Costa Rica. Tout compris. Programme latino-américain. Expérience des organisations dans l'accueil de volontaires de 15 ans. Frais de participation: $ 305/week, aux États-Unis $ 1350/mois (couverture des frais: les adaptations, les arrangements de placement, des frais administratifs, de vie, de l'Alimentation). Les possibilités de bénévolat ou d'emplois sont de deux types: les projets de conservation des tortues de mer: 1.In-eau bénévoles études dans ce projet de soutenir nos scientifiques dans la collecte de données sur la population des tortues de mer locale. 2. Des projets de plage: Dans nos projets de plage sur les bénévoles du littoral des Caraïbes travailler pour aider avec les patrouilles de nuit, les changements des couvoirs et le nettoyage des plages. Nous avons des postes de stages comme assistants de recherche. Bénévole semaine: À tous les projets, il ya un temps fixe pour le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner. La charge de travail d'un bénévole est d'environ 30 heures par semaine. Complémentaires aux services de programmes pour les bénévoles, des activités communes de temps libre sont la natation en fonction des conditions de la mer, se détendre dans le hamac, les excursions dans la forêt, mangrove (kayak), jouer au soccer ou au beach-volley. Costar Rica est un pays en développement et les emplacements des projets sont des endroits où les conditions de base. Vivre dans un paradis tropical, avec des forêts toujours vertes et bleues propres bénévoles d'eau océaniques aura une grande expérience. Non seulement l'amélioration de leurs connaissances aussi leur éducation et le respect de la nature. Demande afin de postuler, envoyez votre numéro de téléphone, de reprendre, le pays et la position de ivolunteeracademy@gmail.com et irff@pisem.net -Voyage, l'étude et l'expérience du monde de la manière la plus fanny par stage ou programme de bénévolat au Académie Internationale des Volontaires, www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com IVA dédié à améliorer la vie des gens (des gens heureux-heureux du monde). -Commencé en 1998, le Volontariat International Academy est une branche d'un mouvement incroyablement forte croissance internationale, qui compte maintenant partout dans le monde. S'il vous plaît aider ce groupe croître de passer le mot! Alors, pourquoi ne pas «Pay It Forward» et dire 3 (ou plus) des gens merveilleux volunteeracademy.blogspot.com est! -Vous dites à vos amis, votre famille, vos voisins, vos collègues de travail ... et ils leur disent, et ainsi de suite ... eh bien, vous voyez l'idée! Et s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à regarder à travers nos vidéos, nous suivre sur Twitter, ou même «comme» nous sur Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/ivolunteeracademy Twitter: https://twitter.com/ivolunteera -Business portail: http://gppdnet.blogspot.com |
www.ivacademy.net we are inviting students, young people or anybody who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences for Internship or Voluntary positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced organization Groups of any size are also welcomed. Call us by Skype Whatsapp, Viber, Phone www.ivacademy.net
Showing posts with label Uganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uganda. Show all posts
Monday, February 20, 2012
Volunteer in Africa, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon , Bénévole en Afrique, le Maroc, l'Ouganda, le Ghana, le Nigeria, le Cameroun
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Volunteer or Internship Globally at IVA, Travel, Study and Experience the World: Afghanistan, Russia, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Cameroon
International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, humanitarian, peace building, leadership, investment, creating various community service and development projects and providing health care services to those who need it. Currently we are looking for youth and partners worldwide.
Volunteer Academy relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 14 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise and IT development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcome. Interning or volunteering is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. Volunteer Academy is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, schools exchange, medical, religious, visiting holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural, ecologic etc. programs and tours.
We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 20 Euros (additional to local fees) to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement (local fees differ from country to country and program to program but are the cheapest in the world also some countries are hosting volunteers for free and some of them even provide sponsorships to volunteers, see below detailed info about).IVA COUNTRIES AND PLACEMENTS:
1. Russia, St. Petersburg. Internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Russia, study Russian language while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Russia or in neighboring countries in few hours to Moscow, EU big cities, Black Sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, and Crimea etc.
2. Moldova self care Internship and Volunteer placements. This program is design to travel, study and experience Europe by Internship or Volunteer program in Moldova, close to Russia, apply today with just 40 Euros fee!
3.Volunteer in Moldova, All inclusive. Are you looking for a worthwhile project? Do you want to help disadvantaged children? You can volunteer in an orphanage in the capital city Chisinau, providing children with love, attention and the knowledge that someone cares about them. The project runs all year round but volunteers are particularly in need from Autumn- Spring. 2 meals a day and accommodation is provided and the participation fee is:-2 weeks = 500 EUR, 1 month = 950 EUR.
4.Volunteer in Israel, All inclusive. Organization Experienced in hosting volunteers for 3 years. Fees: $ 60 /day, $ 420/week, $ 1500 /month, $ 15,000/year. Additionally we have internships in aspects of education, youth at risk, environment and so on. There are a guide who will lead the volunteers, make trips for the volunteers around Israel, visits and sport activities.
5.Volunteer in Morocco, All inclusive. 5 years experience in hosting volunteers. Fees: /day15EURO,/week80EURO,/month 230euro,/year2860 EURO. Volunteer opportunities and jobs Child Care & Nursery School Program in Marrakech city.
6. Volunteer in Pakistan. No Local fees. Hosting international volunteers since last four years and serve them in youth led activities and in association with national volunteers. Our organization does not charge any participation fee from volunteers. There are field visits for community development projects, engaging volunteers in social action projects and meetings with community, youth groups, orientations, participation in volunteer training and workshop, engagements in humanitarian assessments and participatory rural appraisals. Internships are also available.
7. Volunteer in Uganda, All inclusive .Volunteer work include: Teach English, Mats, plant trees, coffee farms, building classrooms, paint walls, make school furniture, work in community health center etc. 14 years experienced organization. Fees: 10$/day, 50$/week, 240$/month, 1800$/year.
8. Volunteer in Indonesia, All inclusive. Volunteer work Education, Eco-Environmental work . Internships positions: Business field : Accounting, IT, Nurse, Doctor, TV/Radio Presenter, Education field : Teaching medical /math/biology/ teach English/ exact Science in local school/ local college. Participation fee cover : Official invitation, air port pick up and transfer, Accommodations, Local transportation, Placement arrangements, laundry, Indonesian language and cultural orientation, 1.000 US $ /month, local excursion during their day off ( 4 different tourism objects/month).9.Volunteer in Cameroon No Fees placement.10Years experience in hosting volunteers. We offer administrative support to all our volunteers and accommodation in terms of scholarship. Our Volunteer and Internships positions are Health services and Educational services. Volunteers are performing diversified community services 7 hours daily from Monday to Friday. Volunteers will be accommodated during their stay and their safety remains our priority also. In weekends we offer Tours for our guests.
10.NIGERIA Full support for volunteers’ placement. Hosting international volunteers for 5 years, our visitors have enjoyed staying with us in volunteer lodge at the first floor of our building. No fee for volunteers. We offer transportation, accommodation, health care and feeding. Volunteer opportunities, acquire more skills and networking. Internships positions: Clerical agents, Health delivery, Field work, Camp visitation, Educational services. Working from Monday to Friday, six hours daily. We stay in permanent contact with our volunteers and we support them with health insurance, provide daily allowance. We offer site seeing for volunteers
11.GHANA2 Full support for volunteers. Participation fee for 1 volunteer to host is $589/month. Program Fees Include: Our programs usually include a home stay with a local family as well as cultural orientation to prepare you for your stay, Airport pick-up, Orientation prior for the beginning of work ,Transportation to project site, Accommodation, Daily meals (2x), in-Country Support (24/7 support lines). Volunteer work: SPORTS COACHES, ADMINISTRATOR, FUNDRAISERS, and SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS. Also available internships positions GRAPHIC DESIGNER, ADMINISTRATOR, ACCOUNTANT .The volunteer week contains work from Monday to Friday. All volunteer home stays are located in safe neighborhoods. We offer trips for volunteers and they can also have access to sports facilities here. Weekends are free for Volunteers.
12.Nepal Full support for volunteers. Ten years experienced volunteer hosting organization invite you to experience this country with and fee for a week 200 Dollars or/month 400 Dollars to teach health issues and orphanage. Also available internships in medical and health area.
13.Ghana 3, Full support for volunteers. 7 years experiences working as a volunteer coordinator in the one Region of Ghana, our team have been trained to provide a warm, safe, and clean environment for volunteers and they all has a lot of experience working with volunteers. For one month the fee is $1159- cover: Official invitation , Accommodation is with a host family, Includes Airport Pick up and transportation to the project site, Meals , 24/ 7 in-country support. Program Options include, Civil Society Volunteer Program, Teaching in local schools, Computer training, Orphan Care, Farming Advisor Program, Sports coaching, Health education (HIV/AIDS), Volunteers may also come up with their own personalized project. Volunteers work general work a Monday to Friday week, although days may vary depending on the program selected. All volunteers get a minimum of two days off to use how they wish, whether it be for travel, participating in community events, time to themselves, etc.
14.Sri Lanka, Full support for volunteers. Specialist in Income generating activities, Fundraisers, Management Advisors, English Language Teachers for Kids and Youths, Working with disabled persons organizations, Work with youths. For internship, available opportunities are teaching English for youths. After arrival in Sri Lanka, one of our staff members will pick them at the airport. Two days stay at Colombo ( for one week volunteers this will be an half a day program) and have an orientation about country, nature of the work, nature of the organization, program for the period of staying in Sri Lanka, food and drinks, own safety, do’s and don’t do’s, reporting necessities, Prevention and cure from troubles etc. Every volunteer can contact chief Executive Officer 24 hours of the day. Trips: - If volunteer going to stay more than 3 months, arrange 3 days 2 nights exposed trip, selected by the volunteer or the group. One week – 443US$, One month - (without trip) 665US$ , One month – (with trip) 1065.50US$ , Three months - (without trip) 1327.50US$ , Six months – (with trip) 2,455 US$
15.Volunteer in Afghanistan No local fees. Four years experienced organization in hosting volunteers. Since we are working in a remote and under developed regions of eastern Afghanistan and natural disasters like flood, earthquake and explosion, etc occur therefore our volunteer actively work for their people without any charges. We are responsible for provision of medicine to victims, first aid like tents, food by collecting free donation from merchants, influential tribal elders and the richest residents of the society, cleaning the environment, seedling of plants etc. Our associations have got sport facilities like cricket, food ball and volley ball teams and we provide all the outfits and all sorts of outdoors activities.
In order to apply, send your telephone number,resume, country and position request to pacea21@gmail.com and irff@pisem.net
IVA-Travel, study and experience the World in the funniest way by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world). Begun in 1998 the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea! And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel • Youtube (video channel): http://www.youtube.com/irffmd
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/irffmd
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Travel, Study and Experience the World with just 20 Euros, apply this December to: Afghanistan, Russia, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Cameroon - Volunteer or Internship Globally by International Volunteer Academy (IVA)
Travel, Study and Experience the World with just 20 Euros, apply this December to: Afghanistan, Russia, Moldova, Morocco, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Cameroon - Volunteer or Internship Globally by International Volunteer Academy (IVA) www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world) by implementing educational, humanitarian, peace building, leadership, investment, creating various community service and development projects and providing health care services to those who need it. Currently we are looking for youth and partners worldwide.
Volunteer Academy relies on the efforts of interns and volunteers to make its programs to work for good and therefore we are very flexible and easy to work with. Having 14 years + experience we are looking for people with strong written and verbal communication skills with an interest in international relations, social enterprise and IT development, peace building, fundraising, NGOs or simple to have fun and travel. Groups of any size are also welcome. Interning or volunteering is unpaid work but you will gain a lot of precious knowledge and experience for your life. Volunteer Academy is able to arrange housing accommodations and provide you with various cultural excursions and experiences. Also by request we could organize business, study, scientific, research, student exchange, youth exchange, schools exchange, medical, religious, visiting holly places, history, wine, food, natural fruits and vegetables, rural, ecologic etc. programs and tours.
We do, however, ask for a one time donation of 20 Euros (additional to local fees) to cover the administration costs of arranging your placement (local fees differ from country to country and program to program but are the cheapest in the world also some countries are hosting volunteers for free and some of them even provide sponsorships to volunteers, see below detailed info about).IVA COUNTRIES AND PLACEMENTS:
1. Russia, St. Petersburg. Internships and volunteer positions are wonderful opportunities to travel and explore Russia, study Russian language while gaining practical knowledge in a work environment. You will be able to learn about the logistics of a NGO, experience life in a fast developing former USSR country, and even take weekend excursions within Russia or in neighboring countries in few hours to Moscow, EU big cities, Black Sea side, Kiev, Bucharest, Odessa, Tiraspol, and Crimea etc.
2. Moldova self care Internship and Volunteer placements. This program is design to travel, study and experience Europe by Internship or Volunteer program in Moldova, close to Russia, apply today with just 40 Euros fee!
3.Volunteer in Moldova, All inclusive. Are you looking for a worthwhile project? Do you want to help disadvantaged children? You can volunteer in an orphanage in the capital city Chisinau, providing children with love, attention and the knowledge that someone cares about them. The project runs all year round but volunteers are particularly in need from Autumn- Spring. 2 meals a day and accommodation is provided and the participation fee is:-2 weeks = 500 EUR, 1 month = 950 EUR.
4.Volunteer in Israel, All inclusive. Organization Experienced in hosting volunteers for 3 years. Fees: $ 60 /day, $ 420/week, $ 1500 /month, $ 15,000/year. Additionally we have internships in aspects of education, youth at risk, environment and so on. There are a guide who will lead the volunteers, make trips for the volunteers around Israel, visits and sport activities.
5.Volunteer in Morocco, All inclusive. 5 years experience in hosting volunteers. Fees: /day15EURO,/week80EURO,/month 230euro,/year2860 EURO. Volunteer opportunities and jobs Child Care & Nursery School Program in Marrakech city.
6. Volunteer in Pakistan. No Local fees. Hosting international volunteers since last four years and serve them in youth led activities and in association with national volunteers. Our organization does not charge any participation fee from volunteers. There are field visits for community development projects, engaging volunteers in social action projects and meetings with community, youth groups, orientations, participation in volunteer training and workshop, engagements in humanitarian assessments and participatory rural appraisals. Internships are also available.
7. Volunteer in Uganda, All inclusive .Volunteer work include: Teach English, Mats, plant trees, coffee farms, building classrooms, paint walls, make school furniture, work in community health center etc. 14 years experienced organization. Fees: 10$/day, 50$/week, 240$/month, 1800$/year.
8. Volunteer in Indonesia, All inclusive. Volunteer work Education, Eco-Environmental work . Internships positions: Business field : Accounting, IT, Nurse, Doctor, TV/Radio Presenter, Education field : Teaching medical /math/biology/ teach English/ exact Science in local school/ local college. Participation fee cover : Official invitation, air port pick up and transfer, Accommodations, Local transportation, Placement arrangements, laundry, Indonesian language and cultural orientation, 1.000 US $ /month, local excursion during their day off ( 4 different tourism objects/month).9.Volunteer in Cameroon No Fees placement.10Years experience in hosting volunteers. We offer administrative support to all our volunteers and accommodation in terms of scholarship. Our Volunteer and Internships positions are Health services and Educational services. Volunteers are performing diversified community services 7 hours daily from Monday to Friday. Volunteers will be accommodated during their stay and their safety remains our priority also. In weekends we offer Tours for our guests.
10.NIGERIA Full support for volunteers’ placement. Hosting international volunteers for 5 years, our visitors have enjoyed staying with us in volunteer lodge at the first floor of our building. No fee for volunteers. We offer transportation, accommodation, health care and feeding. Volunteer opportunities, acquire more skills and networking. Internships positions: Clerical agents, Health delivery, Field work, Camp visitation, Educational services. Working from Monday to Friday, six hours daily. We stay in permanent contact with our volunteers and we support them with health insurance, provide daily allowance. We offer site seeing for volunteers
11.GHANA2 Full support for volunteers. Participation fee for 1 volunteer to host is $589/month. Program Fees Include: Our programs usually include a home stay with a local family as well as cultural orientation to prepare you for your stay, Airport pick-up, Orientation prior for the beginning of work ,Transportation to project site, Accommodation, Daily meals (2x), in-Country Support (24/7 support lines). Volunteer work: SPORTS COACHES, ADMINISTRATOR, FUNDRAISERS, and SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS. Also available internships positions GRAPHIC DESIGNER, ADMINISTRATOR, ACCOUNTANT .The volunteer week contains work from Monday to Friday. All volunteer home stays are located in safe neighborhoods. We offer trips for volunteers and they can also have access to sports facilities here. Weekends are free for Volunteers.
12.Nepal Full support for volunteers. Ten years experienced volunteer hosting organization invite you to experience this country with and fee for a week 200 Dollars or/month 400 Dollars to teach health issues and orphanage. Also available internships in medical and health area.
13.Ghana 3, Full support for volunteers. 7 years experiences working as a volunteer coordinator in the one Region of Ghana, our team have been trained to provide a warm, safe, and clean environment for volunteers and they all has a lot of experience working with volunteers. For one month the fee is $1159- cover: Official invitation , Accommodation is with a host family, Includes Airport Pick up and transportation to the project site, Meals , 24/ 7 in-country support. Program Options include, Civil Society Volunteer Program, Teaching in local schools, Computer training, Orphan Care, Farming Advisor Program, Sports coaching, Health education (HIV/AIDS), Volunteers may also come up with their own personalized project. Volunteers work general work a Monday to Friday week, although days may vary depending on the program selected. All volunteers get a minimum of two days off to use how they wish, whether it be for travel, participating in community events, time to themselves, etc.
14.Sri Lanka, Full support for volunteers. Specialist in Income generating activities, Fundraisers, Management Advisors, English Language Teachers for Kids and Youths, Working with disabled persons organizations, Work with youths. For internship, available opportunities are teaching English for youths. After arrival in Sri Lanka, one of our staff members will pick them at the airport. Two days stay at Colombo ( for one week volunteers this will be an half a day program) and have an orientation about country, nature of the work, nature of the organization, program for the period of staying in Sri Lanka, food and drinks, own safety, do’s and don’t do’s, reporting necessities, Prevention and cure from troubles etc. Every volunteer can contact chief Executive Officer 24 hours of the day. Trips: - If volunteer going to stay more than 3 months, arrange 3 days 2 nights exposed trip, selected by the volunteer or the group. One week – 443US$, One month - (without trip) 665US$ , One month – (with trip) 1065.50US$ , Three months - (without trip) 1327.50US$ , Six months – (with trip) 2,455 US$
15.Volunteer in Afghanistan No local fees. Four years experienced organization in hosting volunteers. Since we are working in a remote and under developed regions of eastern Afghanistan and natural disasters like flood, earthquake and explosion, etc occur therefore our volunteer actively work for their people without any charges. We are responsible for provision of medicine to victims, first aid like tents, food by collecting free donation from merchants, influential tribal elders and the richest residents of the society, cleaning the environment, seedling of plants etc. Our associations have got sport facilities like cricket, food ball and volley ball teams and we provide all the outfits and all sorts of outdoors activities.
In order to apply, send your resume, country and position request to pacea21@gmail.com and irff@pisem.net
IVA-Travel, study and experience the World in the funniest way by Internship or Volunteer program at International Volunteer Academy www.volunteeracademy.blogspot.com dedicated to enhancing the lives of the people (happy people–happy world). Begun in 1998 the International Volunteer Academy is a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which began in Moldova and now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful volunteeracademy.blogspot.com is! You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea! And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/volunteercheaptravel • Youtube (video channel): http://www.youtube.com/irffmd
• Twitter: http://twitter.com/irffmd
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